After a long blog about my first Ironman experience, I have decided to return to capture some of the experience of how we coped with our house undergoing a major remodeled.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

92 g of Protein/day

I think that I might have previously mentioned that I was undergoing a nutritional assessment so that I can ensure that I am in good nutritional shape for my training program. This consisted of two visits to a specialist clinic in Walnut Creek where they I supplied blood, urine and sputum samples, completed a bunch of questionnaires and was wired up to a bioimpedence device. I got the results of the assessment this week which were quite interesting. One of the most suprising findings was that my basal metabolic rate was lower than expected. Basically, this tells you the amount of energy that you need if you were to sit around and do nothing all day. Think of it as a typical day in the office. Anyhow, my BMR is about 1800 cals, 200-300 less than was expected for my size. The information is really important in that I will use this plus the energy that I expend during training to figure out how much to eat every day. For example I burn up 1100 cals during a 2 hour training session today (my groovy Polar heart rate monitor calculates this for me), so I need to eat 2900 cals if I don't want to waste away.
Another important piece of info that I obtained, was that I need to eat about 92g of protein/day to ensure that I can repair and build new muscle. This isn't that easy to do. I have started supplementing my diet with protein shakes using whey protien. However a scoop of whey protien only has 14g of protein.
As you may be able to tell, I am becoming a little obsessive about this! It has made me realise that I really don't have much idea about what I am putting into my mouth everyday. Who knew that a slice of wholemeal bread has 5g of protein? I see a steep learning curve ahead!


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