This is why I work from home.
Every now and again I realise that working for myself from home was one of the smartest things that I have done in a long time (that and marrying Raj). I had a training session in the pool today which went fine. However, swimming laps in the pool is far from interesting. So instead of doing my run on the treadmill at the gym I drove down to Ocean Beach and ran along the ocean front. I am sure that I couldn't do this sort of thing if I still worked inside an evil corporation.
At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like being on my own all day but I kind of got used to not having to commute, not having to deal with all of the office politics, and not having to deal with other people's issues. All in all it is a much more civilized way to pass the day. An extra bonus is that I get to see more of Raj as she is usually off at some point during the week. It also allows me to train like a maniac!
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