After a long blog about my first Ironman experience, I have decided to return to capture some of the experience of how we coped with our house undergoing a major remodeled.

Monday, August 21, 2006

This week I'll mostly be doing an IronMan

OK, this is the final week leading up the big event. I travel to Penticton with Raj on Thursday morning via Vancouver on an nice and early 6:14 AM flight. We have a couple of days prior to the event to settle in, register and get our acts together. The race itself will start at 07:00 AM Sunday morning. If you are interested in following along on the day you can click onto the link for IronMan Live (embedded in the title above) and see how I am getting on. The site will have details of my progress including my swim time, and bike and run splits. My race number is 1154. Check it out! Also, check back a few days later when they will have posted a video of me crossing the finish line - Yes, I am going to finish!

The latest weather forcast is for a high of 91. I was hoping that it would not be this hot but the forcast was for 70 a few days ago, so who knows.


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